Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pre-Op Appt at South Paws

Melly at the vet's office.

Today we went in for Melvin's pre-surgical consult. I had to fend off the kids and well-doers in the neighborhood from coming to the appointment! I was able to narrow it down to my 3 kids only, myself and Melvin.

Melvin was really stressed out... he hit his usual belly up snuggling pose and slept (it was his nap time though).

After listening to his heart for a murmur and doing a general exam, Dr. Brehm, DVM, DAVCS explained the procedure, possible complications, and the prognosis for Melvin. As with any surgery, there are risks and they also don't know totally what is going on until they begin the thoracotomy and start visualizing everything going on inside him. There is a possibility that more than we know is affecting his eating and cardiac vessels.

Basically, the standard recovery is about 2 weeks of minimal activity with soft food and will take a few months for full recovery. We will know more tomorrow after the surgery. I think we plan on pitching a tent outside of the hospital in case Melvin needs us! How long do you think they will let us stay there???

He will most likely be there about 2 nights and we will get him on Friday.... at least that is the plan for now.

Keep you posted!

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